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Introduction to islam

The word "ISLAM" is derived from the Arabic words "salaam", which means peace and "taslim", which means submission. The follower of Islam is a Muslim. The word "Muslim" translated to English literally means "the one with peace". To the Muslim it has a greater meaning, Muslims believe that true peace is experienced only when Mankind acknowledges, obeys and worships the Creator, i.e. submits to the One God. So to the Muslim it means "the one who submits in peace". According to Muslims, Islam is the way of God and the religion of all the prophets; from Adam to the final prophet of God Muhammad (peace be upon them all). The prophet Moses (peace be upon him) said to his people; "Shalom I bring to you". Shalom in Hebrew means Salaam (Arabic). The prophet Jesus (peace be upon him) said to the people; "With Peace I was sent and Peace I bring to you."Muslims call God "ALLAH", in Arabic it means "the One God", it does not have a plural equivalent and is the only word in the Arabic language which does not have a gender.The Holy Qu'ran is the book of the Muslims, it was revealed to the last of Allah's prophets and messengers, Muhammad, about 570 years1 after Jesus, in Arabia and took 23 years2 to be fully revealed. The Qur'an describes the nature of the Creator and their (His creatures) relationship towards Him. It conveys the duties of Mankind: to the Creator, to the rest of creation and to itself. To become a Muslim a person has to declare, " there is No god but Allah and Muhammad is His servant and messenger."-This known as the Shahada or the bearing of witness. The message of Islam is:

1. Truth

2. Peace

3. Justice


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