Living witness to Allah's existence:
The universe is one of the most outstanding witnesses to Allah's existence.Let us think of it.
How many stars, in all, are there? How far away is the farthest star? Is there any end at all
to space?
Astronomers say that earth is one part of a galaxy that is known as the milkyway. A galaxy is a huge system that is compose of gases and billions of stars. About one million Galaxies are detectable through a large and power full telescope! The sun is only a medium sized star; Yet its diameter is 109 times greater than that of earth! Then there are numerous comets, meteors, shooting stars and planets.
The Signs of Allah:
The Earth orbits the sun at an average distance of 150 Million Kilometer. Pluto's distance from the sun is the greatest - more than 5 1/2 billion kilometer! You know that light travels at 186,000 miles per sec. Even at that speed, it takes 8 minutes for sun's light to reach the Earth. And it takes more than five hours for the sun's light to reach Pluto! Still the scientist are learning more and more every year about the universe. Not until 1930 did anyone know for certain about the existence of the planet Pluto. Scientists still guess at the limits of the space. It has, in fact, no end! Have all these things come about by mere chance? No, never, it is all Allah's doing! A study of the creations of Allah compels one to believe in His Might and Majesty. The signs of Allah are manisfest everywhere in nature. The Qur'an reveals that: "Really in the creations of the heaven and the earth, and in the succession of night and day, there are indeed messages for men of understanding, who remember Allah: when they sit, and when they lie down to sleep and thus reflect on the creation of the heavens and the earth."
"O our Sustainer! You have not created any of these without meaning and purpose. Limitless You are in Your Glory! Therefore deliver us from the torment of Fire."(3:190-191)
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